Walking free...
Before we can look at walking free, we first need to know why we are not free to start with. In order for us to do this, we need to take a look at the enemy. Satan was an angel who fell because of pride. He wanted to be like God. Because of this sin he was cast out of heaven together with a third of the angels (Is. 14:12-13). He then decided to tempt man with the same sin that caused his own fall. He made Adam and Eve believe that they could be like God. He sparked selfish pride in their hearts (Gen. 3:4-5). When they had made the choice to submit to this pride, they had made idols of themselves by putting their own desires above God. That was the fall of man. That was how sin entered into the world (Rom. 5:12). All sin are rooted in selfish pride. People sin because they want to satisfy their selfish desires. From stealing, to lying to murdering. All sin boils down to man bowing before his own desires. That is why God gave the law. The Te...