
Could you be a stumbling block?

Luke 17:1 in the Amplified Bible says: “Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Stumbling blocks (temptations and traps to lure one to sin) are sure to come, but woe (judgement is coming) to him through whom they come!’” Now surely, if you are a born again child of God, you will not set up traps to lure people into sin! So this verse does not apply to you, right? Especially the next verse where Jesus warns that it will be better for such a person to be hurled into the sea with a millstone around his neck! (Luke 17:2) Definitely not talking about you, right? That’s what I thought for a long time. Until recently. I was reading through the Book of Luke and intended to just quickly browse over this part. But, that’s where the Holy Spirit stopped me right in my tracks. I was reminded of what the apostle Paul told the believers in Rome: “Then let us not criticize one another anymore, but rather determine this – not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block or a source of temptation in ano

The authentic Bible

The Bible, the Word of God, is truly amazing! I recently did some research and came across a whole lot of interesting archaeological findings that can proof the authenticity of the stories we read in the Bible. Here are just a few that I would like to share with you. If you click on the highlighted descriptions, you will be directed to the websites where you can read more on each finding. I thus give credit to the involved websites for the images I’ve used. Let’s start with the Ebla Tablets .   1800 clay tablets were found during excavations of the Ebla palace in Northern Syria. On the tablets some familiar Bible stories were recorded, like for instance the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. There is also a creation record that is very similar to the one we find in Genesis 1. Still on the subject of Sodom and Gomorrah . ..  Balls of brimstone have been found at the location, near the Dead Sea in Israel, believed to be the sight where Sodom and Gomorrah once stood.

How to live righteously

What exactly does it mean to live righteously? First of all one should look at the exact meaning of the word righteous. According to Strong it means to be just or lawful. We are justified by Christ, therefore we are now the righteous of God. (2 Cor. 5:21, Rom. 3:24) We are declared righteous, not guilty, and free from sin. Since we are now declared righteous, we also need to live righteously. Jesus said that we should be ready, like servants waiting on their master to return home. (Luke 12:35-37) Likewise, there is also the parable of the five foolish and the five wise virgins who waited on the bridegroom. The five foolish virgins, who were not ready for his return, were not allowed to join in the wedding feast. (Mat. 25:1-13) So, we are instructed to live righteously. (1 Tim. 6:11, 1 John 2:6, Phil. 1:10, Phil. 2:13-16, Col. 1:10) But how do we do that? A different way of thinking Everything starts with the way you think. We should think about things di

Eternity in Heaven?

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