Are things falling apart?
We know that everything, including us, are made up by zillions of small building blocks, called molecules. Don’t worry, this is not a lesson in science, but in order for us to understand an amazing statement in the Bible, we need to first understand some science. So, what is a molecule? “A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound. Molecules are made up of atoms that are held together by chemical bonds.” ( Right, so we see that the molecules are being held together by chemical bonds between the different atoms. I found the following interesting information regarding atoms: “The nucleus of the atom contains positively charged and neutral particles. Mutual electrostatic repulsion between the positive protons would drive the nucleus apart if it were not for the ‘strong force’ which binds the nucleus together. There is thus an active force imposed on the univer...