Are things falling apart?
We know that everything, including us, are made up by
zillions of small building blocks, called molecules.
Don’t worry, this is not a lesson in science, but in
order for us to understand an amazing statement in the Bible, we need to first understand
some science.
So, what is a molecule?
“A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical
element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or
compound. Molecules are made up of atoms that are held together by chemical
bonds.” (
Right, so we see that the molecules are being held
together by chemical bonds between the different atoms.
I found the following interesting information
regarding atoms:
“The nucleus of
the atom contains positively charged and neutral particles. Mutual
electrostatic repulsion between the positive protons would drive the nucleus
apart if it were not for the ‘strong force’ which binds the nucleus together.
There is thus an active force imposed on the universe, which actively holds the
very atoms of the material world together moment by moment, day by day, century
by century. Similarly, accelerated electrons circling the nucleus should
quickly radiate all their energy away and fall into the nucleus unless there
exists an invisible energy source to counteract this.” (
In plain English, for those of us who are not nuclear
scientists, it basically means that our universe and everything in it,
including us, would fly apart if it was not for this invisible force called the
“strong force”.
Scientists are struggling to explain this force that
holds the protons and the neutrons of an atom together. They sometimes refer to
it as the “Colossian Force”.
Why the Colossian
force? Here’s the amazing part. It’s called the Colossian Force because of a
verse found in Colossians, in which Paul states the following about Jesus:
“And He is before
all things, and in Him all things consist.” (Col. 1:17)
The Greek word used for “consist” is “sunistemi” which
means “to stand together, to be compacted together, to cohere, to be constituted
Therefore, we find the following translation of Col.
1:17 in the ESV:
“And he
is before all things and in him all things
hold together.”
According to Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, regarding “…all
things hold together” in this verse: “The meaning is, that they are kept in the
present state; their existence, order, and arrangement are continued by His
power. If unsupported by Him, they would fall into disorder, or sink back to
Hebrews 1:3 (AMP) tells us that Jesus is upholding, maintaining
and propelling all things, the entire physical and spiritual universe, by His
powerful word.
That is why He could walk on water and calm the storm.
Turn water into wine and multiply food. Heal the sick and raise the dead. He is
the power behind everything. He is the one holding it all together. He is the
Word through which all things were created (John 1:1-3). He is. He wasn’t
created. He is before all things…
He is the one that became flesh and came to live among
us (John 1:14). To pay the prize of sin on our behalf. To conquer death. To give
us the right to become children of God.
Yes, there are troubles in this world. There are tragedies
and catastrophes. Bad things do happen to good people. But, the universe are
not flying apart. Our planet is still rotating around an axis at a steady pace.
Toppled at just the right angle, in an orbit around the sun, at just the right
distance. The sun still rises every morning. Orange leaves in autumn, snow in
winter, blossoms in spring, fruit in summer. It’s all still there.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb.
13:8). He said: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have
overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
He holds it all together.
Keep your eyes on Him and you’ll walk on water as well.
Don’t lose hope.
God bless
All images: Pixabay