Holy Spirit Power
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Photo by Alex Woods on Unsplash
Dear born again, blood
bought, Spirit filled child of God. So far you know that…
You have eternal life.
(John 6:47)
Your sins have been forgiven.
(Col 1:13-14)
You are a citizen of Heaven.
(Phil 3:20-21)
Your name is written in the
Book of Life.
(Rev 3:5)
You are his newly created
(Eph 2:10)
You belong to the Almighty
(2Cor 1:21-22)
To refresh your
memory you can read the previous two blog posts here: Who are you? and What do you hope for?
Now it’s time to
look at the next two statements about who you are in Christ:
I am a temple of the Holy
Spirit, He lives in me.
“Or do you not
know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have
from God? You are not your own,” 1Co 6:19 ESV
Yes, you are not
your own. You have been bought at a very high price. The very blood of God
Himself. You belong to Him. All of you belong to Him. That includes your body. He
has decided to dwell in your body!
Because we have
the Holy Spirit living in us, we cannot live like the world anymore. We are not
in the flesh but in the Spirit (Rom 8:9). We are able to overcome our sins
because He that lives in us is greater than the ruler of this world (1Jo 4:4).
How do we do that?
By crying out to Him whenever temptation or afflictions come our way. He will
provide a way out and help you to overcome whatever temptations and afflictions
you might experience (1Cor. 10:13, Ps. 34:19).
I have power
“For the kingdom
of God does not consist in talk but in power.” 1Cor 4:20 ESV
“But you will
receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,” Acts 1:8a ESV
“for God gave us a
spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2Ti 1:7 ESV
The Bible makes it
clear that we have the power of God working through us as Christians (Eph
1:19-20, Jhn 14:12, Mat 21:21-22, Phil 4:13).
The question is
not: “Do we have power?” That part is clear. No, the question is: “Why do we
have this power?”
Why did God give
us this power through his Spirit? Is it for showing off and entertaining crowds?
No. The main
reason for this power are found in Acts 1:8b: “and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
We need Holy
Spirit power to be witnesses and to execute the great commission (Mat. 28:19). Paul
told the Corinthians: “and my speech and my message were not in plausible words
of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,” (1Cor. 2:4 ESV)
You can have a lot
of knowledge about the Bible. You can complete courses in evangelism. You can
be witty and persuasive with your words. You can be a gifted teacher or actor
or musician or writer.
But, you cannot
work redemption in somebody. You cannot cause them to be born again. You cannot
make them new. Only the Holy Spirit can do that.
That is why you
need the power of the Holy Spirit.
This power works
through the supernatural Spiritual gifts that we are given. In my next blog post
we will do an in depth look at the Gifts of the Spirit. For now, just know
this, the more you yield to the Spirit, the more power you will have.
Imagine yourself standing in a river at ankle depth. You are in the river, but you are still in
control. The river will not sweep you off your feet and you will not move with
the current. You will not experience the full power of the river.
But, if you choose
to go deeper into the river and allow the current to sweep you along, you will experience
the power of the river and move with it. That is exactly how it works with the
Holy Spirit. You will not experience the full power of the Holy Spirit if you
choose to stay in control.
If you take the
great commission seriously you should be willing to yield to the Spirit.
He dwells within
you, and you need His power.
God Bless
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