Lovingkindness is a characteristic of God that we read about a lot in the Old Testament. But what exactly does it mean? According to biblestudytools.com, the original Hebrew word, translated as lovingkindness, means: “to bend or bow oneself” “to incline oneself” “to be gracious or merciful” This is who our God is. Think of the lovingkindness shown by Jesus during His walk on earth… How he bowed Himself down to wash the feet of His disciples. How He was inclined to heal the leper. How He showed gracious mercy by healing all who were sick or oppressed. (John 13:4-5, Mark 1:40-41 , Mat. 4:24) Whoever [is] wise will observe these [things], And they will understand the lovingkindness of the LORD. - Ps 107:43 NKJV Do not forget or believe otherwise. He loves us. He is kind towards us. He wants what is best for us. The enemy has been very busy convincing people otherwise since the beginning of time. When tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden, he made her doubt God’s good inte...
As a born again, Spirit filled, child of God - you are His masterpiece. Long before you were even born, in fact, before the world was created, God chose you. He had a special job planned for you then, and has now re-created you with that special job in mind. (Eph. 1:4, Eph. 2:10, 2 Cor. 5:17, Rom. 7:4) You are now… Established in Christ This means you can stand firm in Christ. God will not allow you to be shaken. (Ps 55:22) Anointed You have been set apart and commissioned for God’s kingdom and empowered with the gifts of the Spirit. (Acts 1:8, 1 Cor. 12:7-11) Sealed The Almighty, most high God has bought you with his own blood. There is a seal of ownership on you. You are certified as His property. (1Pe 1:18-19) Given the Spirit The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of that ownership and also of the promises in God. (Eph 1:13, 1 Cor. 12:3) Does this mean that you are now more important than the rest of mankind? No, it doesn’t. Do you have t...
“God will open the floodgates of heaven for you. He will bless you abundantly. Blessings and prosperity are already yours. Just claim it, declare it, speak it and prepare to be amazed!” We all love to hear this message from preachers. Sure, it is Biblical. Jesus did say that whatever we ask for in prayer will be ours if we believe that we already have it. We are indeed told that God will open the floodgates of heaven for us. Jesus told us not be concerned about our daily needs because we have a Father in heaven who knows what we need. (Mark 11:24, Mal. 3:10, Matt. 6:31-32) But, this is not all that the Bible says. The problem with prosperity preaching, is that it shows people a distorted picture of who God is and where we stand in relationship with Him. The distorted picture looks like this: I have the right to be blessed and to live a prosperous, trouble free life because I believe in God. Therefore He must do and give whatever I ask for in prayer. God is the...
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